Friday, May 7, 2010

I have issues. But if you know me, you know that.

Couldn't write this morning. Had "work" things to do. Can I just say that after being back now for a week after a six week leave time, why? I should have just quit like I'd intended. I accomplished nothing during the six weeks. Ok, not NOTHING. I did get my hair cut. That took an hour. How many hours are in six weeks? I could do the math but I don't want to. I might by the time I'm done, only because that part of my brain refuses to be told something that I'm quite capable of figuring out on my own. Ok, where was I? I seem to have lost my paddle down this trip of stream of conciousness. Oh, yeah, the other thing accomplished? Tatiana pottytrained. Of course, she gets most of the credit. And it really only took two days once I got serious about it. But the living room? Still filthy. kitchen? Don't get me started. Bedroom? Seriously? My brain? That's the filthiest of all. Sometimes that's a good thing. But I can't go into that..because I didn't mark this blog as "adult content only". eh.

What else to talk about tonight? I had thought of something earlier. Didn't write anything down because, you know, "I'll remember it." Any other of you folks out there considering yourself writers ever do that to yourself?

Oh, yeah. I was in line to get my morning McDonalds coffee. (Medium, 5cream, 5 sugar. And yes, please put it in for me because if I tried to do that AND drive I'm sure to spill it on myself. And there's legal precedence to sue you for that. And I spilled their coffee on me once (not because I was adding the chemicals to it but because I'm an idiot) and those warnings on the cup, "This stuff is hot. And not bathtub water hot. Scalding could sterilize tattoo needles hot." Can you imagine a coffee tattoo? Ok, I've completely digressed. But seriously, I wouldn't sue them because of LOGIC. I didn't order ICED coffee, so I expect that it shall be hot. In fact, if it doesn't burn the tastebuds off the front of my tongue with the first drink, I'm fairly annoyed.

It's not the coffee itself that I wanted to talk about, it's the idiocy of the cars in front of me. Well not the cars themselves, but the people behind the wheel. Apparently, they think that they are on the highway as they are sitting in the 12 car line at the drive thru. There was a half car length in between three of the cars in front of me. Are they expecting someone to rearend them and wanted to make sure they didn't then tap the bumper of the car in front of them? I confess. If someone sneezes in the car behind me, I'm probably in the trunk of the car in front of me. Perhaps this is because the drive thru lane at this particular McDonalds blocks parking. I am constantly worried that someone is going to come out of the joint itself and I will be blocking their exit. People here are completely insane. I'm afraid that they will bash my car in their attempt to leave or will say mean things to me as if I intentionally blocked them in. But seriously, a half car length? What, their carpits aren't clean and you don't want to smell the autobody odor? Doesn't make sense to me. I'm ridiculous and I'm aware that I am. But it bugs me. Almost as much as the annoying kitkat commercial playing as I type this. I HATE hearing people eat. Maybe that's why they keep their distance in the drive thru--they don't want to hear the people in the car in front of them chew. Maybe I'll back off the bumper.

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