Thursday, May 6, 2010

And so it begins...

Well, here I go, entering the blogging world. This is basically an online journal of sorts and while I always enjoy comments, unless you are offering encouragement or CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, you'll be ignored or deleted. Also, most of the time the "musings" (I'm so snooty right now!) will be done straight out of my head or that place I go to when writing. Punctuation and spelling be damned. If I review my posts and decide that whatever is written is worthy of editing, I've got an English degree or two and I can do that whole editing/spellcheck thing all by my onesie, savvy? And now I'm wondering why I'm channelling Jack Sparrow from Pirates..oh, excuse me, CAPTAIN John Sparrow.

This is what you can expect. A bunch of meandering thoughts which make no sense all together. It's called brainstorming and something else--the term of which I cannot recall at the time--oh, yes, stream of conciousness. This is what I am creating the blog for. Me. Stream. Conciousness.Writing. Hopefully I drown in the stream because it is within that stream that I believe true creation lies. I'm writing this for me because one big thing has stuck with me since college. Thank you Mr. George Wendt. I hope that your heaven is filled with good poetry. You deserve it. You influenced me more in one semester than many people in my life have tried in years. You told me once that if I did not continue to write, I would become a bitter old woman. Those of you that find me bitter? Yeah, guess who has not been writing. That would be me. Thus the reason for the blog. Maybe I should have titled it something about bitterness. Too bad my sister came up with something totally hilarious! And thanks to all of my other friends that came up with great things too! Maybe I'll make multiple blogs and just use them all!! Let's get real. I'll be lucky if I can keep this ONE up.

I am going to finish my cup o' coffee and get ready to go to the gym. It's about time I immerse myself in things that are good for me. Stream of conciousness. Ocean of exercise. As my sister says though, Type at you later.

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