Sunday, May 23, 2010


I seriously doubt that those to whom I am "apologizing" to will read this. Too bad. It counts.

Here goes.

To those people having their "private" party at the pool when our swim team was having their fundraiser: I'm sorry that my four year old autistic son's enjoyment of the water during your party took so much away from you. He waded in the water, walked until he was waist high, walked out, around the edge, jumped off, later-rinse-repeat for 10 minutes. I realize that the four feet of water that he occupied--never, ever walking near ANYONE from your party was a big hassle. However, had you come up to me and said, "hey, this is a private party" at a PUBLIC pool that usually had swim hours open during that time, I'd probably have explained his autism and his immense LOVE of water. I'm sure that since everyone could hear him scream at first because he was not allowed in the water, you thought he was simply a brat. Because your children are perfect angels. I am sure that you are perfect parents. I could tell. The gang tattoos spelled it out. (Yeah, I have tatoos too, but they don't identify me as a gang members as yours did.) Ok, there I go, being judgemental, but had YOU come up to me rather than sending a life guard over to say something, eh, I hope that you feel better. Oh, forgot to add, that had YOU come up to me yourself, I'd probably offered you money to let my son not bother you. Because there were 5 kids in the pool that can hold over 100. And he wasn't bothering you. Maybe I'm wrong. But trying to make sure that the noise level of his screaming was absent wasn't wrong. He's not a brat. He loves water.

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