Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A little fall of rain

It's a rainy day/evening here in New Mexico--a rare one. It's not all monsoony and floody...well, it has been at times, but it's now more a gentle little fall of rain that can't hurt me now. Yeah, I totally just plagiarized one of my favorite musicals...but it is stream of consciousness writing weather with the stream of water rushing down the curbside. It is a gentle pitt-patt of rain outside that I listen to right now with the door open. It is a small chill in the air that makes my toes cool and reminds me that fall is falling all around.

I am also listening to Pandora radio..on the "soothe the savage beast" station that bounces between some of my favorites from the 80s & 90s--New Age music that I loved to listen to when the cool October rains fell all around the campus of KU, making the tree trunks dark and the large colorful leaves brighter in comparison. It soothes the savage beast inside of my beautiful son so that a peace can overtake him and allow him the rest his active body so desperately needs. I hope that his dreams are as peaceful as his face in repose.

He enjoys the gentle fall of rain as well. Was pure faerie magic to watch him skip and spin in the rain--arms outstretched so that as much of him could be touched by the light caress of water falling from the sky; his face upturned in rapturous delight as the drops kiss his impossibly long eyelashes. My delight in that was equaled only by the sound of his belly giggles as he swung on his rope in the heavier rains. His frenzy actually controlled by him--whipping himself around the tree trunk, once getting a little too close to the wading pool of water whose level was higher thanks to the blessing of rain--his little bottom getting entirely soaked dipping in, oh how he LAUGHED. I'd once heard that a child's laughter gives birth to faeries--well, there was certainly a faerie baby boom this afternoon should there be truth in that! His laugh is the caulk in the heart cracks caused by our inability to effectively communicate as often as I would like.

And now I may turn off the music and listen to nature's song....and try to keep from stealing Eponine's song. . .

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