Friday, September 2, 2011

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round & my brain!

I don't know why Colby decided at the beginning of ESY classes that he couldn't handle riding on the bus. He did just fine for two years before that, minus the week or so that he was on the bus too long and his behavior changed and then we changed everything about the bus pick up time. At that point, he adapted and was again just fine on the bus. Mr. Mark and the assistants were great. I had no reason to believe that his ONE trip to school on the bus with the new driver would be any different. But he absolutely would not get on the bus after class that day. And thus began our ritual of going to and from school with Mom (me).

Beginning of school year this year and Mr. Ed and Ms. Carolyn came by to start the ritual of bus riding to school again. He got on and I could hear his screaming through the closed doors. I've learned to sometimes close my ears to the sound. Tatiana and I were in the yard playing around and once again it crossed my mind that I wished I could get on the bus and help them get him in his seat. I was sure he was scared and scaring the other children on the bus. But given all of the press about parents on buses that have abounded as of late (yelling at other kids, trying to help their child in the middle of a seizure, etc--all parents facing criminal charges...even the one assisting her child in the middle of a seizure...what is WRONG with THAT picture people. If she hadn't assisted that child NOT on the bus, she'd be facing neglect/abuse charges...maybe that ought to be another blog post.) I was almost ready to go back into the house. At this point, Mr. Ed (not a horse at all, a nice man) came off the bus and asked for my assistance. A couple of very sweaty, muscle cramping moments later, I told him we should just try again tomorrow and that I would take Colby to school. After taking him to school, I copied the instructions for the $115+ harness I purchased since APS department of transportation had not yet seen fit to get one as requested (and required) and gave them to Mr. Ed when I went to pick Colby up.

Next morning, tried to get his harness on Colby. He got out. Seriously started thinking that perhaps somewhere in my child's ancestry is someone named HOUDINI. We tried ONCE to get Colby in the seat without the harness. Yeah, shorter version of the day before. Ed then said his bus company had a harness and we'd try it. Yeah, that didn't work either. Ed then came up with the idea that perhaps I could ride with Colby and he would just bus me home afterwards. Yeah, that one didn't fly with his bus company bosses. At this point, Colby has just been being "bussed" to school via our personal vehicles. It's worked out ok. (Since now I'm unemployed, I have PLENTY of time to take him to and fro school.)

So, imagine my delight when his class was going to go to the pool at the University--by bus. I was happier hearing they were going to go on the city bus. I was still going to go just to help out...but then plans changed and OH JOY we were going to go on a big yellow bus. As predicted, as soon as Colby figured out that we were headed for the bus, he went berserk. Mr. Jay and I managed to manhandle him to the point where Ms. Michelle could assist. We got him kicking and screaming on the bus. As soon as I sat in the seat next to him, he stopped screaming. He did wrap his little arm around my arm and clung on for dear life. I leaned away from him to assist another student with his seatbelt and Colby started thinking I was leaving and his grip started cutting off circulation. He held onto me all the way to the pool. He wasn't very talkative and loooked pensively out the window.

An hour or so at the pool having a delightful time later we started towards the bus for the ride home. Colby held my hand and just walked right on the bus as if it were his private limousine. Maybe after a few trips he will be ready to do it without Mom. Maybe. And maybe Mom will be ready.

The next day,


  1. Now there's a story. A day in the life of, not only you, but Colby as well. You drew me in and set the scene. I was right there on the bus with you (I was that toe headed kid four seats back ;-) --- Wayne

  2. One more thing...there wasn't even a hint of "woe is me" just a compelling story that expressed his anxiety and your frustrations
